The Community

of Notre-Dame de l'Hermitage

The Community living at Notre-Dame de l’Hermitage today consists of 7 Marist Brothers.

It is an international Community whose specificity is the welcoming of groups of Brothers and lay people from all over the world, with values such as humility, simplicity, family spirit, love.

The Community lives on the very site of the founding of the religious family, Notre-Dame de l’Hermitage, built by Saint Marcellin Champagnat.

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In addition to its welcoming mission, the Community plays an important role in transmitting the Marist message in school and educational environments.

Marcellin Champagnat used to say “to raise children well, you have to love them, and love them all equally”. It is based on this attitude that no less than 600 Marist schools have been founded on 5 continents!

The Community regularly welcomes students to help them (re)discover Notre-Dame de l’Hermitage, Marcellin Champagnat, its history, the Marists, their values and missions throughout the world.

Les actualités de la Communauté

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L'Hermitage is two hundred years old !

In May 1824, Father Champagnat and the first Brothers began to build Notre-Dame de l’Hermitage.

A year later, the large building was built on the banks of the Gier, becoming the mother house of the institute.

200 years later, the House is still there, welcoming an international community on a daily basis and over the months dozens of Marist groups.

Do not hesitate to visit the Institute’s website to discover multiple resources (photos, videos, reports, etc.) on the bicentennial celebration.

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Office hours

Everyone is welcome to acts of prayer

Monday – Wednesday- Friday:
7.30 a.m. : Morning prayer
12.15 p.m. : Marian prayer
6.15 p.m. : Eucharist

7.30 a.m. : Eucharist at the Parish 
12.15 p.m. : Marian prayer

6.15 p.m. : Eucharist

Saturday :
7.30 a.m. : Eucharist 

11.00 a.m. : Eucharist at the Grande Chapelle
6.15 p.m. : Worship

Our commitments

Together we reduce our environmental impact during our stay. We use our recycling bins.

Enclosed and
free parking


Access for people
with reduced mobility


are not allowed

To contact us